Propylenglykol in Locobase-Creme APL, Creme 20 % - 200 gr

  • 139.99 USD
Auf Lager.

Oily cream used for dry skin and eczema. Propylene glycol acts as a humectant and has an antimicrobial effect against both bacteria and fungi. The cream base locobase has softening and protective properties.

Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or to any excipient.

Propylene glycol 20% in Locobase® cream APL should not be used on burned skin. Avoid application in the ear canals as propylene glycol can be ototoxic.

The cream contains cetostearyl alcohol which can cause local skin reactions, e.g. contact dermatitis, and methyl parahydroxybenzoate (metagin, E 218) which can cause an allergic reaction (possibly delayed).

No known interactions

Pregnancy: Category A No known risks during pregnancy.

Breastfeeding: Group IVa So that the child is not unnecessarily exposed to propylene glycol orally, Propylene Glycol 20% in Locobase® cream APL should not be applied to the nipples during breastfeeding.

Side effects: Transient skin irritation in the form of a feeling of heat and burning. Allergic reactions.

100 g of cream contains:Propylene glycol 20 gAuxiliary substances:Cetostearyl alcoholCetomacrogol 1000Liquid paraffinWhite VaselineAnhydrous citric acidSodium citratePurified waterLocobase® cream is preserved with 0.2% metagin (E 218).Emulsion type: o/wFat content: approx. 50%