Felix Sliced "Saltgurka", pickled cucumber - 700 grams

  • 24.99 USD
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Felix Salt cucumber, sliced 700 g - cucumber pickled in a salt layer with mustard seeds and vinegar. A taste that has been appreciated for generations, with food or on sandwiches for a slightly saltier touch. We put in Felix's pickled pickles in Eslöv, in the middle of Skåne, and the vast majority of the cucumbers are hand-picked by our own, selected growers around southern Sweden. As the weather plays a big role in the harvest, it happens that sometimes we have to import a small amount of cucumber from abroad. The proportion varies from year to year, but on average we have at least 90% of Swedish origin.

Skivad gurka med SENAPsfrö i lag av vatten, salt, ättika, socker, syra (citronsyra), stabiliseringsmedel (kalciumklorid), kryddextrakt (cayennepeppar), naturlig dillarom, arom, konserveringsmedel (kaliumsorbat) och antioxidationsmedel (askorbinsyra). Kan innehålla spår av GLUTEN.