Felix's history begins already in the 1870s. Then the chemist Per Håkansson started a vinegar factory in Eslöv to make it easier for households in the area to make vinegar pickles from their home-grown vegetables.

Over time, however, the demand for canned vegetables increased. In the late 1930s, the vinegar factory decided to use its sudden surplus of vinegar to start producing pickles. In order to start the production of pickled cucumbers, knowledge of canning on an industrial scale was required.

Over the years, Felix has had several hundred different products in their range and created many good moments at dinner tables around Sweden.

Today, Felix is the market leader in several product areas and is one of Sweden's largest food brands. Their product range ranges from ketchup and dressings to pickles, meatballs, mashed potatoes, pies, casseroles, rice porridge and deep-frozen single-portion dishes.