Cinnamon & Ginger
A warm and spicy Chai, which is best simmered with milk and seasoned with honey.
Brewing Tips
Chai is a classic Indian spice blend. Simmer water and spices in a saucepan for about 10 minutes. For an even better experience; replace half the water with milk and add honey before serving. If you brew Chai like regular tea, let it steep for a few minutes longer.
A warm and spicy Chai, which is best simmered with milk and seasoned with honey.
Brewing Tips
Chai is a classic Indian spice blend. Simmer water and spices in a saucepan for about 10 minutes. For an even better experience; replace half the water with milk and add honey before serving. If you brew Chai like regular tea, let it steep for a few minutes longer.
Ingredienser: Kanel, ingefära, kryddnejlika, kardemumma.