RFSU Test Early, Pregnancy Test - 1 pcs

  • 8.99 USD
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Simple pregnancy test for those who want to find out if they are pregnant as early as possible. This is our most sensitive test and you can start taking the test as early as 6 days before your missed period, which is 5 days before your expected period*. The test measures the hCG hormone in the urine, which is secreted when an egg is fertilized. When you test early or are unsure of the result, it is good to test again 2 days later, preferably with the first morning urine. 

The package contains 1 pregnancy test. 

Quick result within 1-5 minutes. 

Clear result with one or two red lines 

More than 99% accurate result from the day you would have had your period 

The sensitivity of the test is 10mlU/ml hCG. 

When you get pregnant, your body starts producing a hormone called hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin). The sensitivity of the test is 10 mlU/ml of the hormone hCG in the urine. The level of hCG rises during early pregnancy. The pregnancy test reacts to this hormone and you can start taking the test 6 days before the missed period, which is 5 days before the expected period*. It is safest to measure the morning urine as it has the highest hCG concentration. Urinate directly on the stick or dip the test into a container with urine. For single use – the test can only be used once.

MEASURING THE HCG-HORMONE A pregnancy test, whether you take it at home yourself or at the midwife/doctor’s, measures the hCG hormone. When an egg is fertilized, the hormone hCG is secreted in the urine and continues to increase during the first part of pregnancy. By tracing hCG in the urine, one can determine whether a woman is pregnant or not. hCG normally begins to be produced by the fertilized egg after it has attached to the uterine wall, usually approx. 6-10 days after conception. The level then normally increases very quickly, and it is expected to double approximately every three days during the first trimester of pregnancy. Most women, by the time of the expected menstruation, have managed to produce enough hCG to see a positive result; that is, they have achieved an hCG level of 25mIU/ml, or more. However, since we are all different, there may be individual variations. Some women may see a positive result a few days before the expected period, while others have to wait a little longer. If the test shows that you are pregnant, you can trust that the answer is correct because the tests are very sensitive. The test only informs that there is hCG in the urine. It says nothing about how the pregnancy is doing, where it is or how old it is.